Saturday, June 28, 2008


Contains a title using the format listed above .25 points


Contains the sources you used with links to these sources .25 points

Contains a brief paragraph how it connects to your study of humanities. 1 point

San Diego is a city of countless diversity. It reflects many different cultures through its art, food, museums and activities. The Mexican and East Asian cultures have been the most influential to San Diego. They have provided the city with outstanding restaurants, historical museums, and musical concerts, including those performed at Symphony Towers and Balboa park.

Observation: What did you choose? What do you see or hear or feel or think of in the choice you made? What is the subject of the work? If you chose a 'thing' what is the work made of and what techniques (colors, lines, shapes, textures)does the creator use? Be specific in your description. If you chose a place, be specific in your description of what you see or hear. Talk to your reader as though they cannot see the item but somehow must draw a painting of what you see or hear. 1 point

I chose San Diego because it is the city I was born in and I have spent a lot of my time there. When I think of San Diego I think of beautiful beaches, warm sun, and the Chargers. I love eating in some of my favorite Mexican restaurants and laughing time away with my relatives. I hear the seagulls as they greedily snag any bit of food they find. I feel the cool waves and warm sun splash around me as I swim in the ocean.

Interpretation: What is your choice about? Give specific examples to support this statement in 2 sentences; do so in a way that teaches us something about your choice. Make Paulo Freire proud! .75 point

San Diego, at least my interpretation of it, is a city rich with tradition and culture, especially the culture of Mexico. It reflects this culture through its restaurants, concerts, and architecture (including the San Diego Mission). San Diego is also a city beside an ocean. The water has etched a pattern of traditions on its people including the favorite pastime of surfing!

Judgment: What led you to your choice? What do you think or feel about this choice? Why do you feel this way? Support your thoughts with specific observations. .5 point

I love Northern California, but I miss my time away from San Diego. Talking about this city and learning a little more about its culture has allowed me to remember my own experiences in San Deigo and the times I have spent with my family and friends.

Questioning: What else would you like to know about this choice? When completing the question section, lead your audience into the question by stating a fact you do know, yet you still have the related question. This way, both your audience and you will have an educational experience. Example: I learned that John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath was based on his personal experience working with farm workers. I would like to know if the characters he used in that book are fictitious or are they people he met? .5 point

I learned that Mexico has always been a heavy influence to San Diego. I would like to learn what the city, or the area around it was like before it became inhabited with people of other cultures.

Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student. Is this one thing some common experience you share or some experience that is completely different than what you experienced? Is this one thing related to our class theoretical foundation and if so, how? Is that one thing related to historical or cultural context of this country or a different one? Link that persons blog to this entry (eg cut paste that blog entry here) . .5 point

I learned that Michael is going into his third year at the JC as a business major and is planning to transfer next fall with his AA in business.As I am a science major, Michael will have quite a different learning experience than me! Business has always been an important aspect of anyone trying to make a living in almost any culture.

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